Punjab Police Exam 2023-24 App is The Best App for aspirant of Punjab Police Constable Entry Job for womens and men . The selection process is carried out along with the physical test and Exam . Thus to help the candidates with their written exam preparation online/offline , we have introduced our Punjab Police Exam 2021-22 App with Latest Syllabus of Punjab Police Exam. The main subject covered in this app for constable entry is as following :-
1. General Awareness
2. Quantitative Aptitude and Numerical skills
3. Logical Reasoning
4. Mental Ability
5. Language Skills General English
6. Language Skills General Punjabi
7. Digital Literacy and Awareness
This app special designed for Punjab Police exam. Punjab Police Exam 2021-22 App design for those student who not able to get clear information about recruitment procedure , eligibility criteria,which documents needs for recruitment , physical fitness test, and what to do and what not to do , this type all basic recruitment procedure schedule essential information we added . we added number of quizzes , mcq’s related to all subject ,and syllabus of written examination.
Special Features of Punjab Police Exam 2021-22 App are as following :-
Accessible 24*7 from any & all devices
Latest Pattern MCQ and Mock Tests & Current Affairs Present in Punjab Police Exam 2021-22 App
Previous years question papaers with questions as per the latest exam pattern
Smart user-interface that saves 40% of study time
Updated GK provided for the latest issues
Relevant Current Affairs for the exams
Constable syllabus is covered in easy way
Latest Quiz practice to test your preparation
Accessible in Punjabi, Hindi & English Language
Punjab Police Exam 2023-24 App is available FREE OF COST
***Who can use this app ?***
If you are preparing for Punjab Police Physical and written examination of Constable men or women then this
app can give you more benefits.
We added latest syllabus of punjab police constable entry for men and wormen in this app. you can get the clear
idea about the syllabus and how to prepare for this syllabus.
We added General English with mostly asked questions on grammer and practice for punjab police exam coming
in 2021-22.
We added sample question paper and answer . with the sample question paper can you get clear ideas about
pattern of question paper .
This app includes huge amount of MCQ quetions and answer related to this following subject
***MCQ’S QUIZ***
This quiz page may give you too much help to do preparation for Punjab Police written exam preparation.
One another important page inside this app Punjab full Gk . we added latest GK related questions and notes for sure success in Punjab Police Exam 2021-22.
Disclaimer : All the content of this application is taken from different social media sites and belongs to the owner of the study material, if you have any copyright content of yours please inform us on askcomputerguruji@gmail.com and we will remove it or change it. the aim of this app is just to provide the
information to the aspirants of exams and help then to achieve their target.